Chef Iyov

All of my kids have been through this stage of being obsessed with my pots and pans. I remember Novan playing all day with them at this age. Beya did some but not as much. Iyov is now at that age and he spends literally all day playing with them. In some ways it's nice because he occupies himself. In other ways it's a blasted annoyance because my pots and pans are constantly strewn about the house. Also, Iyov refuses to eat food like a normal child. He's not overly picky or anything but eating has to be a novelty to him and his favorite thing to do is to take the food I give him and put it in some kind of pot and carry it around and stir it with my utensils.

He also thinks it's his job to make sure I have all the cooking implements I need. If I am cooking something, he gets out his pot of choice to give to me to use, or, if I already have a pot, he has to find a top. If I already have a pot and a top, he has to find a spoon and then he has to be involved in what I'm doing. I've actually taken to putting the baby gate up blocking off the kitchen on a regular basis because he wants to climb up on my counters and grab random food items for his pots and pans.

This is a regular thing to find when I walk into the kitchen.

He thinks the chairs are for his own personal use and he pushes them all around the kitchen to reach things on the counter.
Perhaps Iyov's favorite kitchen implement is the blender.

That kid is obsessed with the blender. He actually loves smoothies and when I make one, he had better be front and center while I do it or I get a good screaming at. He wants to use the tamper thing to squish down the stuff while it blends. He really gets into it and I often have to take it away because he's interfering with the blending process. My VitaMix comes with and extra container that you can change the blades into if you want a smaller capacity. I keep the extra one under the sink and Iyov loves that thing. It has it's own top and he likes to put everything in there and pretend he's throwing together a smoothie. He also likes to have the tamper with it. He loves it so much, he insisted on taking it to bed last night. It was absolutely hilarious. He held onto it like a teddy bear under the blanket when we tucked him in.
It's a good thing this kid does such darn cute stuff because he is still a big giant pain in the butt with all his screaming (yes he is STILL a McScreamy). But I sure love him. He gives me more reasons everyday to love him more and more.


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