I thought I had this pregnancy thing figured out...

I've been a sadly neglectful blogger. So sue me. I'm pregnant. I am finally feeling like myself again though, thank goodness. There comes a point, when you are suffering for an extended time, where you wonder if maybe your suffering is just going to go on forever. You've been at it so long that you start to forget what normal feels like. Then you kind of start to get used to how you feel and even when you feel good, you aren't quite sure if it's 100% or not. Anyway, that's what I've felt like because if the nausea wasn't enough to make a person want to stay in bed all day, the hormones will finish the job.

Since I've been feeling eons better, though, I've begun to look back on the last 16 weeks and wonder some things. I feel like my body is trying to tell me something like "I'm done with this pregnancy thing, no more!" I'm just not ENJOYING this very much, even though I do feel better than I have been. Something is just off. I've never despised being pregnant so much, and I'm only 16 weeks along! Late pregnancy often gives me a little trouble in the sleep department but I'm already experiencing it to a greater degree now. I can't comfortably sleep on anything but my left side. If I sleep on my right, my arm falls asleep and I get a weird feeling in my chest like my circulation is bad. I can't sleep on my back because I get the same feeling. I know they say the left side is best for pregnant people but at 16 weeks I shouldn't be noticing so much of a difference, or at least, I haven't in the past. Do you know how hard it is to sleep in one position all night? Then there's the peeing thing which, frankly, should not be bothering me this far along. I should not have to have a completely empty bladder to stay asleep yet here I am, getting up multiple times to empty it. Then my back is hurting, another late pregnancy woe that should not be happening now.

Oy. So I wonder whether I am just having such a hard time because I'm older (although 28 should not be considered old) or if my body really is just worn out from being pregnant for the 4th time? Maybe I've been a spoiled spoiled girl up until now having had such easy pregnancies. I really think I might have liked being pregnant a little before. Now I sound like a whiney old housewife. Yuck. I don't want to be that person but I'm a little worried how much worse things will get since I am so barely into the second trimester. Will I get huge? Will I waddle and not be able to bend over like those moms on sitcoms? Do people even do that? Will labor be vastly different? I'm hating that I'm feeling like some kind of new mom instead of the seasoned pregnancy veteran I consider myself.


  1. I hear ya! My body was the same way with Taylor, it told me I was done and couldnt do another pregnancy after her. Good thing we want to be done too, eh? and I LOVE the new pic!


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