I've made a believer out of him.

Novan's notorious for a nonchalant attitude concerning anything he doesn't care about. Mom being pregnant happens to be one of those things he doesn't care about or maybe he just doesn't believe me when I tell him there's a baby (or two) in there. He never cared with Beya or Iyov, so why should this be any different?
Well today I was laying on the couch with kids climbing all over me and trying to protect my belly when I started to feel some serious movement.
"Hey!" I hissed to all 3. "There's a baby moving in there!" And I lifted my shirt and tried to get them to settle down and look. Novan was in rapt attention at my declaration, probably thinking I was full of it trying to tell him there was something live in there. But because of that, he saw the very obvious movement of my little human parasite shifting positions.
"Hey!" Novan declared, "It's moving! That's so weird!"
He kept watching and asking when it was going to move again but it appeared that the movement was short-lived and Novan was somewhat disappointed, but I tell ya, if he didn't believe me one bit before about having a baby inside, he was totally sold after what he saw. Iyov was still trying to jump on me and for the first time, Novan put his arms protectively over my stomach and said, "No Iyov, you'll jump on the baby!" Ever after this, he has been very conscious of my belly getting squished or jumped on. It surprised me a lot that he was so suddenly concerned after years of not caring or listening when I try to explain. Yep, he gets it now. There's a baby in there, he saw it move; and it sure wasn't indigestion!


  1. I just caught up with your blog... TWINS!! Have you found a new midwife yet? Will you still do a home birth?? This is so exciting!!


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