I Whine, You Whine, We All Whine...

...For absolutely no reason when we are 5-years old.

Help me. I'm drowning in almost-5-year-old emotional breakdowns!

Was I like this as a 5-year old?
Were you like this as a 5-year old?

Was Novan like this? No!
Well then, it must be a girl thing.

I've also determined that it is not a result of "girlfriend time" as I thought. She does this everyday, any day, friends or no, sleep or no.

It's gotten so bad that I have taken to laughing at her every time she breaks into a barrage of tears because the catalyst for the breakdown is so utterly ridiculous!

Mom: Beya, what do you want for lunch?

Beya (already in a whiny voice): I don't know. What do you have?

Mom: The same thing I have every day.

Beya (contorted face, brink of tears): Like whaaaaaat? Just make something.

Mom: I'll just make you a peanut butter and jelly.

Beya flees the room in tears.

I'm always left after these moments with my jaw hanging open and my eyes blinking to check that my eyesight is in order.

Another example:

Mom: Can you clean up your colored pencils?

Beya (whining): But I don't waaaant to.

Mom sighs heavily, turns to Beya, and gives her "the look."

Beya flees the room crying.

Later conversation, (and by conversation I mean between gulps and tears), reveals her reason for breaking down as, "But I didn't want to!" or with the PB&J, "But I didn't want peanut butter and jelly!"

Can someone explain to me how I can better communicate with her so I don't have these breakdowns? Actually, if someone could just tell me how to communicate with her period, that'd be great!

I think she speaks some language I'm not familiar with. And regular parent-speak such as, "If you're thirsty, you know where the cups are" actually translates to her as something like:

"I hate you, and I feel like killing all puppies and kittens!"

I guess if someone said stuff like that to me all the time I'd flee the room crying too.


  1. WOW! :-/ That's got to be tough to cope with. The best I've got to offer here is it's probably just a passing phase and she'll drop it soon. My niece will cry at the drop of a hat...or she used to, she's a tiny bit more reserved with it now, the tear faucet only comes on when she's in trouble.

  2. Oh yes yes yes. I get it. Completely. It's a girl thing for sure. I also learned that tone of voice bothers them more and even looking at them wrong. Or even breathing while looking at them sometimes sets them off. Just stop breathing and talking to her............that might help. hahahahaha

  3. HAHAHAHA! Melissa you crack me up!


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