Manners according to Beya

The other day Brad instructed Beya on saying 'excuse me' when she farts. She thinks farting is hilarious and she always tells you and starts giggling. The other day though, Beya burped.
Beya: (giggling) 'Scuse me!
Me: Thank you for saying excuse me. That was very nice. (I was thinking how intuitive of her to know to say excuse me when she burps since we only told her about farting)
Beya: (still giggling) I farted out of my mouth so I said 'scuse me! (more giggling) I'm silly!
 Ah, I see where the intuition came from now.

Today the kids and I were swinging on the front porch swing. Beya was pushing us.
Novan: Beya, push faster!
Beya: Novan, don't talk to me that way!
Me: Novan, if you want Beya to do something, how do you ask?
Beya: Novan, can you say, 'Please can you go faster?'
Novan: Please can you go faster Beya?
Beya: Yes Novan. Thank you for saying please Novan.
Uh, ok. So apparently Beya would do a better job being the mom.

Man this girl cracks me up.


  1. That is adorable! And absolutely hilarious that she "farted" out of her mouth LOL...I'll have to remember that one.

  2. that's my girl!!!and it did make me laugh very loudly


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