
Is it just me or is my McScreamy actually screaming less? It could be that he's screaming just as much (because he does still scream) but he's just being more fantastically cute and charming. Whereas before all I wanted to do was confine him to his room so I didn't have to listen to him, now I just want to squeeze him and make him laugh and ask him questions to see how he'll answer.
Yesterday I was taking his clothes of to put PJs on him. I had a new diaper ready (because I diaper trained him before I left NC) and when he saw it, he informed me, "Mom, I'm not poopy."
"OK, good," I replied, yet when I pulled off his diaper while he was standing up, he was indeed poopy.
"Oh no Iyov!" I exclaimed, grateful we were in the kitchen over linoleum and not carpet in case something got on the floor. "Ok, we gotta wipe you." I said, grabbing the wipes.
Iyov, instead of laying down customarily, plants his little feet and puts his hands on the floor in front of him and pushes his dirty little bum in the air... truly the ideal poo-wiping position but a hilarious one, nevertheless. I thought it was pretty intuitive of him to recognize this would be helpful and I shrugged and proceeded to wipe.
"You welcome, mom." he said, looking at me upside down from between his legs as I got to work.
I chuckled in reply, and said, "Oh, excuse me. THANK-you!"
When we were done, I stood up and Iyov said, "Sank-you, mom!"
"You're welcome, buddy."

And that's just the kind of interaction I get a lot with him. Please, thank-you, and your welcome were among Iyov's first words and it's like he knew at a very young age that the use of polite words could quell any situation with Mom. He's also recently discovered "Sorry, Mom" which he says in a pitiable and small voice, with head hung when he does something wrong. I often wonder how sincere he's being but if he's not, he's such a darn good actor that it's hard to be upset with him after he says it.

He really likes Lightning McQueen and he refers to anything Lightning McQueen as "Ka-Chow!" He'll see his McQueen jammies go into the washer, "You washing my Ka-Chow mom?"
Or he'll choose a movie to watch, "I want Ka-Chow."
Maybe he'll see a Mater tow truck toy at the store, "Ooooh, Ka-Chow!"

His vocabulary has increased quite a bit in the last few months and he's still at that age where it's still cute to say words wrong, like "Crit-mus" for example.
"Ohhhh, Crit-mus tree, mom?" is what he said when we set up our tree.
"Ohhhh, yay, Crit-mus!" is what he said after we explained Christmas presents.
One of my favorites is his words for blueberries, grapes, blackberries, and any other kind of berry.
"Can I have boobies?" he says, pointing to the grape container in the fridge.
"I want boobies," he commands, holding a frozen blueberry package he got from the freezer.
Another favorite is "shoop" which is his word for 'gun' or 'shoot'.
"mom, shoop me!" he says, handing me an invisible gun.
"Where's my shoop?" he asks, referring to his lightsabre which he uses like a gun because we don't actually buy the kids any guns.
"Shoop" is one of those uber cute words that everyone else in the family has now picked up. We all call guns "shoops" now. It's kind of like Novan who used to say "Mac-tie" when referring to semi trucks. We all started doing it too because we just liked the word better.

Iyov has also, at 2 years old, mastered the art of giving facial expressions. If he hasn't actually mastered it, then we're in real trouble because that means he can only get better at using them. He makes me laugh out loud daily at the facial expressions he gives me which range from, "if I'm not the cutest thing you ever saw, then you must be blind" to "I just totally did something wrong but if I make you laugh first then you won't be as mad at me." My favorite is, "make a cute face while trying to make you think I don't know you're looking at me" (because you know, accidental cuteness is cuter than on-purpose cuteness, and he knows it).

His other tool, which he uses quite effectively is, "Need to hug you, mom!" or "Need to hug you, dad!" This is what he does when all else has failed. When mom or dad has been pushed to their brink, when little bums need to be spanked or hard words spoken, the appeal that he needs some love and cuddling ALWAYS accomplishes his goal. It's not that he avoids the consequence but he knows that hugs can fix any mom's temper. He pretty much shortens the time I'm upset with him as he runs and throws himself on my leg with a tearful eye, "NEED to HUG you Mom!!" in a sad but insistent voice.

Like I said, maybe I'm used to the screaming or maybe he's FINALLY figuring out that it doesn't work. Whatever it is, I just want to kiss these cheeks and squeeze this little boy whenever I get the chance!


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