Share Bear

If Beya were a care bear, this is the one she would be. She may be even better at sharing than share bear herself and she's certainly better than me. She is absolutely AMAZING when it comes to sharing. When it comes to Novan and Iyov she will share everything from her toys to her treats. One treat in particular that she gets is a twizzler when she does number 2 on the toilet. (She doesn't really need it and would go anyway but I want to drive the message home and never have an accident again) She will undoubtedly share a good half or more of her twizzler with Novan and Iyov if he is around.

Even if Novan already has some of the same thing she's got and he finishes his first she will give him some of hers. A few days ago I gave them little individually wrapped packages of cheese cubes. Novan wolfed his down in like 2 seconds and Beya was still daintily picking hers out of the package. I watched and she must have shared half her bag with him. Let me tell you, Beya loves cheese just as much as he does.
When we are with other kids she will always share as well. If she has a toy that another kid wants she will almost always give up her toy and find another one. At the Children's museum she was playing outside where they have water bins with paintbrushes, funnels, and a watering can. She was enamored with the watering can. One little girl tried to take it from her and Beya prevailed (she does NOT approve of kids trying to snatch things from her) but all it took was for me to tell her she could play with it just a little bit longer but then another little girl wanted a turn with it. If someone asks her for something nicely you can see the little wheels turning in her head. She will undoubtedly give them what they ask for. I didn't even have to remind her. Not 2 minutes later I saw her find the little girl and hand it over. I honestly think Beya just likes to give people things. She likes to help me take food up to Brad and she likes to "distribute" like when I give the kids vitamins. She always reminds me to get one for Novan and one for Iyov. Then she finds them and gives them their vitamin.
She is so sweet and thoughtful. Brad says she's the "glue" that holds our three together. She loves Novan incessantly even though he's a jerk to her on a regular basis and she plays with Iyov and loves to make him laugh. 
With all the sharing and caring she does, nothing bugs her more than when people don't accept what she's giving them. Sometimes she will offer something to Novan, like a peice of cheese she's already taken a bite of and he refuses it because he's all hoity toity and can't eat things after other people have had their mouths on them. Sometimes she offers him a toy she thinks he might want and if he's not interested he says "No Beya!" to which Beya starts crying. It breaks my heart that she tries to be so thoughtful and he couldn't care less. It makes me want to shove whatever it is down his ungrateful throat. Buuuuut, anyway, Beya has learned to say "Novan's being a jerk!" when stuff like that happens and I say "Don't worry about it Beya, he still loves you." Then of course I have to try to explain AGAIN to Novan how sad he's going to be when Beya stops sharing with him one day, when she doesn't want to hang out with him anymore and stops trying to give him hugs all the time. I think though, he's catching on a bit to her example and getting him to share with her in return is getting easier bit by bit. It's wonderful to have such a good little example in our house. I love my little share bear!


  1. what a great little girl! I love the family pic, you are right, it totally shows who you all are.


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