Some things I just know

When I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks when I was pregnant with Novan, I immediately started thinking of that little jumping lima bean as a boy. I kept referring to "him" and when we came up with names, we focused on boy names. I honestly don't even remember what girl name we had picked out or even if we did pick one out. So when I had the 18 week ultrasound I was hardly surprised to hear that I was having a boy.

When I was pregnant with Beya, I just knew she was a girl. I don't remember caring one way or the other what the sex was but I was sure she was a girl. When I was getting my 18 week ultrasound the doctor asked, "Do you want to know the sex?" to which I replied, "It's a girl isn't it?" And she was.

With Iyov I never had an ultrasound. But I knew he was a boy. I was certain. People would ask, "Do you know what you're having?" and I would reply, "Not really but I'll be shocked if it's not a boy." We focused on boy names and when he was born I held his slippery body in my arms without even looking at the sex. It was some time after he came out that I thought to confirm what I was so sure of. Yep, a boy. It seemed so natural that he was a boy and thinking back on it, it's pretty funny to me that I forgot to check.

And so with this last and final pregnancy I think my intuition is kicking in again. Brad says I have an aversion to being wrong and well I think most people don't like to be wrong and for me, I don't really declare things one way or the other unless I feel strongly. I've been on the fence about this whole twins or no twins thing for a while but a couple weeks ago my mind was clear and my senses well intact when I determined that I am, in fact, carrying two. A boy and a girl, which, I believe, is why I have been so out of sorts with having no clue what the sex is. My midwife has yet to confirm or deny it so I'm making my inspired declaration now before it can be so I can look back and say "I told you so." I told the midwife on my last visit that I know when my body is acting strangely and it behooves me not to ignore it when it's acting out of sorts. There's always a reason that my body is acting differently. You read all kinds of literature saying how pregnancy can vary drastically from one pregnancy to the next and how unpredictable it is. Well my body is anything but unpredictable. My pregnancies up until this one have been practically mirror images of each other with little variance in pregnancy symptoms, labor, and delivery. All that might be enough to make me suspicious but my belief is based on more than just odd pregnancy symptoms. I just know. Could I be wrong? Of course. I could be totally wrong but I don't think I am.

For your viewing pleasure I've included my most recent belly photo. I actually never took belly pictures with my last pregnancies but I've been rather obsessed with my belly size this time around. You would be to if your stomach was growing at the rate mine is. Those of you who have seen me pregnant before, especially multiple times will appreciate how positively huge I look for only being 26 1/2 weeks. My pregnancy with Iyov was kind of a blur because of our whole house flooding thing but I remember distinctly with Novan and Beya only beginning to show at this point. I am not exaggerating when I say I am bigger than when I was ready to deliver my first two.


  1. I do not recall you being that big ever with Beya.
    I hope you are right, that would be exciting. now, are you sure enough to go buy another crib and another carseat?

  2. Well actually Heather I do feel confident enough. I've been looking around on craig's list for an additional carseat (a girlie one since I never got that luxury) and I will not be getting another crib. I'm going to use the one I have in addition to the porto-crib. I can't see the sense in buying a whole new crib for one child for so little time.


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