Some of My Thoughts Lately

1) My "baby" of 12 months nurses as much as a 3 month old. It's weird and uncharacteristic of my children. I think maybe she just doesn't like food.

2) I know a lot more about insurance than I ever wanted to... this is good because writing insurance policies pays well. It's annoying because insurance is possibly one of the most boring things ever. However, Brad asked, "Would you rather write insurance or watch the stock market?" Yeah, I'd much rather write insurance. At least I get to check out cool houses.

3) I'm halfway horrified, halfway amused by the fact that my almost 5-year old daughter seems to be suffering from a constant hormonal imbalance. I am not even exaggerating when I say that you can't even look at her wrong without sending her fleeing the room in tears. Holy smokes! Someone please tell me teenagers are NOT this bad. I don't think I can take any more of this! Yesterday she had a headache and I swear, if she weren't only 4, I'd think she was PMS-ing. It was THAT BAD.

4) Writing novels set in fictional or even historical settings is WAY harder than writing novels set in current non-fictional settings. Just saying. You have got to have your ducks in a row. J. R. Tolkien probably experienced a similar stress, and, in my opinion, failed miserably at making sure he balanced story-telling with setting-description. I find his books booooooring because I really don't care about the history of the Elvish language or how the Hobbits immigrated to the Shire. *Yawn* But at least I have an appreciation for how hard it is to create a new setting for your reader to hang out in while at the same time entertaining them.

5) Every day I think, "A single-wide trailer is just not big enough for a family of 6." I've had to get used to a bit of clutter all the time because there is just not enough space to store everything.

6) I CANNOT get enough of the North Dakota sky. It's mesmerizing. I may complain about a single-wide trailer but the location of said trailer is spectacular because it is just outside of and up higher than the rest of the town which means I get an uncluttered, unspoiled, and unblocked view of the sky any time I want. I used to think you couldn't get any better view of the majesty of creation until I experienced this SKY. The sunrises and sunsets are lovely but my favorite is when the sky is littered with huge dollops of cumulus cloud and the sun bathes the tops of them and they become outlined in gold and silver. Sometimes, when there are too many, you get the sun ray effect where you can literally see the sunbeams penetrating the cloud cover. We've all seen this effect but picture it across an endless landscape. Because there are no trees or really even buildings to block one's view, you can see the suns rays peeking through the clouds for miles. I don't think I will ever get tired of it.

This is not the sky that I describe, obviously, but this the only picture I could find... Yeah, I'm not a photographer and it's a miracle when I have a camera actually on me. Still, this blue is amazing, is it not? This is from the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

7) I kind of cheated last night on my raw cleanse because I had a serious craving for rice and beans. So I made some and ate them with some cilantro and tomatoes. I think the best thing about limiting yourself like this is just being able to taste food more. Usually rice and beans don't hold that kind of sway over me. I mean RICE. BEANS. Not exactly gourmet food. But because I have been severely limiting how much I incorporate them into my raw diet, I thought they were heavenly. It was a treat. I love when I can look at healthy food that way.

8) I'm successfully maintaining almost-tv-free parenting. The kids only get it once a day when Keshet naps in the morning and a lot of the time they forget to ask to watch because they're doing other things. I love it! I am a little nervous about winter though and having them all cooped up inside when it's 15 below. Have I mentioned this trailer is small?? We'll see. I'm going to have to get creative I guess.

9) I start school on the 11th of June! Yay!

10) I am in the primary presidency now. Holy wow does church go by fast! It's just go go go for the last 2 hours and it's really funny after we get in the car after church, I'm kind of starved for adult lessons so I always ask Brad about his lessons in Sunday school and Priesthood. I always want the play-by-play and I really look forward to that after church. It's so nice to know I have that hunger for spiritual nourishment.


  1. Are we going to have a problem with this single wide and no tv???

  2. yes, but when you go from Primary TO the adult classes after being released you find yourself completely agitated because you can't sit in your seat longer then 20 minutes and then you're thankful your child is too noisy so you can go walk around. Lessons are great......your body just isn't used to sitting that long. hahaha.


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