Road Trip Playbook Part II

I fully intend on posting all about our trip to SC but I still am without my laptop downstairs as Brad took it to Orlando with him and upstairs in the office is pretty cold and uncomfortable which doesn't make me want to stay here for long and type. Hopefully by tomorrow evening I should have it back with all kinds of clever things to say. Right now my hands are pretty numb so this will be brief.
I thought I should report that my trip to and from SC was relatively uneventful in terms of screaming children. Iyov apparently has developed a tolerance for the carseat finally so he was pretty good although I did stop at least 3 times on both legs of the trip to give out snacks, feed Iyov, and once we even ambled around Wal-Mart so everyone could stretch their legs. I did this when the whining seemed to be at it's peak and it worked wonders. I suppose the thing I have learned from this is that when going on a car trip with kids you shouldn't be in a hurry and stopping often does a lot to ease their cabin fever. I kept thinking to myself I would hate to be in a 5 point harnass for that long. At least with just my seatbelt I can adjust my weight distribution, tuck one leg under me, etc. I had wanted to do a long stop for a picnic or something at a rest stop instead of walking around Wal-Mart but it was raining practically the whole time. I actually don't mind driving in the rain, the sound is comforting, makes you appreciate all the more that you are in a vehicle. Anyway, on the trip back the kids were happy with their new toys bestowed on them by doting grandparents and stuffed with string cheese (a luxury that is not usually found in my house). I would say that each way the trip if driven straight through should have been only 5.5 hours but was actually around 7.5 for us. I didn't mind as long as we were all happy. Thank goodness for redbox and DVD players!


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