Tuesday Night Charity Event

Tuesday night we participated in a charity event for Make A Wish Foundation. Brad was the "celebrity server" and he spent the evening schmoozing the customers to get donations for Make A Wish. Brad is very good at schmoozing. Even that is an understatement. Brad should get paid for schmoozing professionally. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so good at it. Just another one of his many talents. His schmoozing earned $600 for Make a Wish. As part of the event Brad spent a lot of time in the days previous going to local businesses to get some really good coupons and giveaways to include in 50 gift bags for the first 50 tables that came. He is great selling himself in order to gain trust. He doesn't like to do it but he sure is good at it and people, if they give him a chance to talk always wind up doing their best to help him out. Not that Brad shoudln't be trusted...on the contrary, he is one of the most honest people I know. But he is able to politick like no other.

So for a couple hours I was able to go there to Ombu Restaurant to "support" him thanks to Robin who watched my two crazies and had to deal with a pooping in the pants episode....sorry Robin! If I had more money I would have tipped her big time. I say "support" because really I tend to think in my marriage supporting Brad really means I have to show up in order to satiate people's curiosity as to just what type of woman this interesting fellow is married to...

So I took Iyov with me because he is still manageable in a restaurant. I wore one of Brad's favorite outfits and I actually put on a necklace AND earings. Not just any earings. I wore my "hooker earings" which is my endearing name for big hoop earings that Brad seems to love so much. Yeah, there's a reason hookers wear them. ;-) I also wore some eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick. I surprised myself on that one. It's pretty funny to me because when I decided I would wear some I couldn't remember where my makeup actually was. I spent about 15 minutes looking for it and almost gave up when I remembered I had put it in my top dresser drawer in a bag to keep it out of Beya's immediate reach. It's just funny that I hadn't worn any in so long that I couldn't remember where I had put it. Speaking of makeup, you know "they" say you should only keep it a couple of months before throwing it out to get new stuff? Yeah right...If I never actually wear the stuff am I really in danger of my eyeshadow becomming a petri dish? I imagine "they" are makeup makers who already charge an arm and a leg for a little tiny bottle of mascara or a tiny tube of lipstick. Who can really afford to buy that stuff every few months? You would have to give yourself a monthly makeup budeget or something.

Anyway, I am off on another tangent. It was actually a LOT of fun. I sat with this awesome older couple while Brad was schmoozing who own an African Safari business. Not just any safaris. They do "custom" safaris and they take clients over personally and give them an up close experience with the wildlife and culture. Very cool. The wife Elaine was really into macrobiotics which I am not entirely familiar with but in a nutshell is "Japanese art of cooking whole foods style with emphasis on energy and balance." That is by no means an official explanation. It was just the "gist" I got from talking with her. She was also pretty taken with Iyov who fooled everyone there into thinking he was a perfect angel. Well, better than proving me right, I say.

It was great to remember just how much I actually do like people contrary to popular belief... including my own. I think I tend to get in hermit mode especially with the pressures of being a mom and taking care of everyone's needs and I just get tapped out. Being social is very low on my priority list because I just don't feel I have the energy for it most of the time. Social events, for me, take a period of adapting to enjoy. I have to know about the event days ahead of time (in this case I did) so I can prepare myself emotionally for the task of "being interesting". You really do have to do this in order to start and maintain good conversation. I have never been very good at being social but I am WAY better than when I first got married. I was a wreck in highschool because of it. I had the brains and the beauty I suppose to have plenty of friends but none of the social skills.  Thank goodness I married the man I did or I might still be living my daily life with my nose in a book.

Brad: The Master Schmoozer (ignore the date stamp)


  1. Glad you got to go and have a good time. that african safari sounds fun!


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