The End of an Era
The Era of "The Boy who Never Needed a Haircut" that is.
My baby boy has never had a haircut. By "baby" I mean Novan. The kid is 4 1/2. It's like his hair just stopped growing. Well, really it hasn't stopped but it has just grown really really really really SLLLOOOOOOOWLY. So slow, I haven't noticed and haven't had to cut his hair. Ever.
Beya thought Novan's hair getting cut was the funniest thing. She kept saying "Wook! Novan's hair!" when a clump of it fell on the floor.
You can imagine that Beya is interested in anything pertaining to the changing/modifying/accentuating of one's appearance and she immediately wanted me to cut her hair too. To appease her I cut off and inch or so in the back to make her hair a bit more even.
Finally, the finished product:
Novan's one complaint during the whole ordeal was "Mom, stop getting hair on my computer!" And when it was done, Brad brought him to the mirror and he was more concerned about getting back to his computer game than looking at his appearance. Little did he know that in my head I was thinking, "I now have a little boy" and it was kind of sad. It's like the haircut signaled his passage from babyhood into boyhood.
I am really going to miss that little mop. And so ends the Era of the Boy Who Never Needed a Haircut.
He looks good. I love the pic of him standing on Brad's head.