Children's Museum

This has been a long time coming. I have been wanting to document their comings and goings at the Children's Museum here in Winston-Salem but I have always been terrible at having a camera at the right times, actually I never have a camera but ever since I have started blogging I have managed to keep my camera handy. Go figure. Anyway, thanks to Gammy's Christmas gift of a year family pass the kids have been able to frequent this local kid wonderland and here are the pictures. Be ye warned! There are a LOT of them.

This is the Amazing Library, home to many costumes which of course is the kids' favorite part. What in the world is that over there lying on all those pillows?

Ah, now I see. This is Novan's favorite costume in the dress up area, actually, it's the ONLY costume he'll put on and he wears it the entire time he's in that particular area. We watched Bee Movie this weekend and now he has started trying to sting people with his stinger by backing up into them with his little tush in the air...pretty hilarious!

Beya of course loves the dress-up too and has usually tried on many different dresses by the time we are ready to move on to the next area.

The 'Build It' center with a way cool, uh, jungle gym I guess? Well it kinda makes you wish there was a great big adult sized one.

Mom! Lookit me!

Cool magnetic shape things for building. Beya finally figured them out.

Novan decides he wants in on this action. After Beya does all the work of course.

Gotta love those little girls so keen on helping other littler kids around. The little girl in the brown shirt helped Beya climb all over. Very sweet. No idea what Beya was doing here.

The Donut Factory, very cool, donuts travel a series of conveyor belts operated by kids turning several wheels.

The Big Donut for babies =)

Grocery Shopping, every kid wishes they could pull whatever they want off the shelf without Mom saying no.

In reality I actually wish they would skip the whole grocery store part because all they do is throw everything in sight into a basket and then I am stuck putting it all back when they're done. =P

Enchanted Forest, this it the bridge of the three billy goats gruff

Apparently Beya just notices there are trees everywhere and the ceiling is even decorated.

This is actually a weird display, I mean a cow you are supposed to pull on the teats in the middle of an enchanted forest?

Cabin of the Three Bears

This is not acutally a slide, it's a conveyor belt for dog bones but I suppose it works for little boys too.

Another terrific play area for babies, my little guy is so cute =) On a side note, isn't this outfit just the best? can you believe it is 30 years old? It was Brad's when he was a baby.

Beya examines an x-ray at Clifford's vet office.

Life-size clifford which I don't think Novan will actually be able to climb up.

Boat to Birdwell Island

Big giant climbing beanstalk. This is the very top.

And then on our way out we always have to sit on the alligator, and Novan always insists I have to take a picture. I think it's because when Brad took them he made Novan sit for a picture and now Novan thinks the world isn't right unless he's had his picture taken there.


  1. Wow, if our children's museum was that good I would definatly have a pass! Ours is really small but it is ok.


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