Meanderings of a what?

When I started college I thought of myself as a person with little passion. I was certainly not political (I still am not), wasn't convicted about any idea in particular, and certainly never felt like I had something important to say. All I knew was that somehow I wanted to be different and to stand out. I suppose that's why I chose to major in computer science as one of maybe 4 girls in the entire program at Western Carolina University(well that's another story). Anyway, I have changed.
I think I can safely say that I am now a passionate and yes, zealous person. While I have a lot of opinions across a wide range of subjects my interests and the objects of my passion center around health, food, psychology,  childbirth, and well there might be more than that which aren't coming to me right now. I like to share these thoughts with anyone who will listen and is one of my major motivations for starting a blog because then I feel kind of like people are reading it because they can. After all, what's more available than the world wide web? Consider this the equivalent of reading my diary. You will no doubt read a lot of what I feel is important here but first and foremost I am a mom with lots of mom-things to do and talk about. It is what I love to do, and I am passionate about it as well and its importance to me and my view of the world.


  1. glad to see you are like the rest of us and entered the blogosphere. i will be sure to read it until i get offended at some hippy thing. :)

  2. LOL at Lisa! I'm eager to start reading what you have to say. I miss talking to you about some of thses things. especially child birth now since I am "in that mode"

  3. You are a trip Lisa, I promise not to be offended if you get offended =) I'll try to get back in baby birthing mode just for you heather =)


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